MEI Studio 应用

Edicola Italia 1.0.4
MEI Studio
Con "Edicola Italia" hai un accesso direttoalle varie testate giornalistiche italiane, quotidiani eperiodici.Tutte le notizie in tempo reale, consultabili ovunque ed inqualsiasi momento, grazie al tuo dispositivo mobile.L'Edicola, sempre in tasca.With "Newsstand Italy"have direct access to several Italian newspapers, newspapers andmagazines.All the news in real time, accessible anywhere, anytime, thanks toyour mobile device.The Kiosk, always in your pocket.
Virtual Assistant Linda 1.0.6
MEI Studio
Linda, animated virtual assistant iscompletely in Italian. You can talk to Linda and ask him questions.You can also ask her to read a text, enable the navigator to reacha goal, set the compass, find an address, access to YouTube videos,search for the nearest restaurant, a hotel, a cinema, a pizzeria, acar, a hotel etc etc, do any research, connect to the translator,the news of the day, the weather forecasts, maps, satellite, openthe camera to take pictures or video, turn signal light, SOSsignal, send voice messages (sms), ask for the date and time, turnthe calculator , access to information about traffic on thehighway, address book, contacts, etc..
Trova Tutto 1.0
MEI Studio
Trova subito tutti i locali, servizi,alberghi, musei, distributori, meccanici etc etc, di qualsiasicittà. Verranno visualizzati sulle mappe senza dover fare nessunaricerca manuale. Semplice ed intuitiva applicazione gratuita utilequando siamo in una città che non conosciamo. Digita il nome dellacittà, o paese, e seleziona la categoria di ricerca.Quickly find allpremises, facilities, hotels, museums, dealers, mechanics etc etc,of any city. Will be displayed on the maps without having to do anymanual search. Simple and intuitive free app useful when we are ina city that does not know it. Type the name of the city or town,and select the search category.
Virtual Drum Pad 1.0.6
MEI Studio
Virtual Drum Pad, is a free application thatallows you to play virtual drums by simply touching the screen ofyour smartphone.Try Virtual Drum Pad by connecting your smartphone to a stereosystem or headphones.
Servizi Auto 1.0
MEI Studio
Tutti i servizi per la tua auto. Sei inunacittà che non conosci e cerchi un distributore, un gommista,unmeccanico, un parcheggio etc. Trova subito tutto sullemappe.Applicazione semplice e gratuita.All services for yourcar.You are in an unfamiliar city and looking for a distributor,anexpert mechanic, parking etc. Find quickly everything on themaps.Application free and easy.
Warning Light Night 1.0.2
MEI Studio
Warning Light Night is useful to signalyourpresence when you walk at night on dark streets. Also useful asawarning light for bicycle. 9 types of light animations
Your Position Quickly 1.1.0
MEI Studio
YOUR POSITION QUICKLY is an applicationthatallows you to instantly identify the coordinates of yourlocation(latitude, longitude). Includes compass, access to yourlocation onthe map, navigate to an address, save your position (mycarlocator). This application uses the GPS signal toyourdevice.
Find Address 1.0.4
MEI Studio
Quickly find any address on maps andnavigationpath. The display shows the latitude and longitudecoordinates ofyour current location, and the compass. Voice searchfor quickaccess to maps and navigation. Save your place and findthe path toit (my car locator).
StreetView ArchaeologicalSites 1.0.4
MEI Studio
Virtually explore the archaeological siteswithyour device. This application utilizes Street View, enablingyou todirectly select and visit the most beautiful archaeologicalsites.There are only the places visited by Street View.Also you can directly access information of wikipedia.
White Screen Light 1.0.4
MEI Studio
White Screen Light is a free applicationthatallows you to use your smartphone as a lamp to light up whenyou'rein the dark. Using the device's display, without the use ofthe LEDflash, the battery consumption is very low. You can also usethisapp to check the authenticity of banknotes, report yourpositionwith the strobe light, activate the distress signal SOS,effectanimated neon and flashing emergency.
Simple QR Scanner 1.0
MEI Studio
Scan any QR code quickly. Displays a previewofthe web page. Go to the web page directly.
PTC Elite 1.0.7
MEI Studio
In "PTC Elite" are the best PTC elitecategory.All the sites listed below, are online at least two yearsand payng.With this application you can easily access these PTCwith yoursmartphone to click the ads and earn wherever youare.
Vocal TTS - Text To Speech 1.0.6
MEI Studio
Text to Speech voice with text display.This simple free application, uses the voice recognition ofyourAndroid device.What you say, is written and repeated contact with the voice ofyoursmartphone.You can also write or "paste" any text, and to listen tothereading.
Sampled Arps Machine 1.0.5
MEI Studio
"Sampled Arps Machine" is a free applicationfor playing electronic music with sampled arps, using a keyboardwith 12 keys. You can select the favorite arp and adjust the volumedirectly from the display.To feel better stereo sound, you can connect your smartphone to astereo system or use headphones.This application does not require a data connection.
All In One - Tools 1.0
MEI Studio
Eight tools in one application, "drawingpad"to draw on the display, sound recorder with ten channelsofrecording, virtual lamp to illuminate using the display ofthemobile device, detector coordinates, "save position" to savethecoordinates (my car locator) and navigate to the placememorized,QR code scanner, compass and "Text to Speech" to read atext withthe voice of your mobile device."All In One" is a free, simple to use and intuitive.
Trova Indirizzi (italiano) 1.0.4
MEI Studio
Trova rapidamente qualsiasi indirizzosullemappe ed il percorso di navigazione. Sul displayvengonovisualizzate le coordinate latitudine e longitudine dellatuaattuale posizione, e la bussola. Ricerca vocale per unaccessorapido alle mappe e al navigatore. Salva la tua posiziona eritrovail percorso verso di essa (my car locator). Versioneinitaliano.Quickly find anyaddresson maps and navigation path. The display shows the latitudeandlongitude coordinates of your current location, and thecompass.Voice search for quick access to maps and navigation. Saveyourplace and find the path to it (my car locator).Italianversion.
Simply Drawing Pad 1.0.8
MEI Studio
If you need a piece of paper and a pen todraw,you can use this simple and free application. You can usedifferentcolors to choose whether to draw on a white or black,save the imageand take a picture to draw on it.
HT Hearing Test 1.0.2
MEI Studio
Use this app to test your hearing andlearnfrom what frequencies you can hear.Humans can hear sounds whose frequency is between 20 Hz and20.000HzMake play all frequencies from your device in a single track.
Voice Assistant Ego-Bot Eva 1.2.0
MEI Studio
Ego-Bot Eve, is a Virtual Robot COMPLETELYINITALIAN. You can talk to Eva and ask him questions. You canalsoask her to read a text, enable the navigator to reach a goal,setthe compass, find an address, search for the nearest restaurant,ahotel, a cinema, a pizzeria, a car, a hotel etc etc, doanyresearch, connect to the translator, the news of the day,theweather forecasts, maps, satellite, open the camera totakepictures or video, turn signal light, SOS signal, sendvoicemessages (sms), ask for the date and time, turn the calculator,address book, contacts, etc..
Sistema 101 assistente vocale 1.0.1
MEI Studio
Sistema 101 è un assistente vocale initaliano.Puoi parlare a Sistema 101 e attivare vocalmente variefunzioni.Sistema 101 è in grado di trovare una destinazione eattivare ilnavigatore, fare ricerche (meteo, ultime notizie,YouTube,definizioni, indirizzi etc). Può leggere testi,visualizzarecoordinate, cronometro etc. Tutte i comandi deglistrumenti possonoessere visualizzati premendo il tasto "Info".Sistema 101 funzionasolo con connessione dati attiva, necessariaper fare ricerche e peril riconoscimento vocale.System 101 is avoiceassistant in Italian. You can talk to system 101 andvoice-activatevarious functions. System 101 is able to find adestination andactivate the navigation system, do research(weather, news,YouTube, definitions, addresses etc). You can readtexts, displaycoordinates, stopwatch etc. All the tools command canbe displayedby pressing the "Info". 101 system only works withactive dataconnection, necessary for research and forspeechrecognition.